In April 2018, Epping Boys High School embarked on a Rugby and Soccer tour to Canada and the USA. The boys arrived into Calgary, and were hosted by Henry Wise Wood High School where both teams took the points. The group then travelled from Calgary to the ski town of Banff where they spent 3 nights.
From Banff, the group travelled to Vancouver for another 2 games against Earl Marriott Secondary School and St George’s School. Both teams had good wins against Earl Marriott and the Soccer team continued their unbeaten run against St George. Unfortunately, the Rugby side went down in their final match against St George in a close match.
After a four-night stay in Vancouver, the group travelled to San Francisco for some sight-seeing. They visited Alcatraz, Golden Gate Park and AT&T Stadium for a MLB match between the SF Giants and the Colorado Rockies.
After 3 nights in San Francisco, the group returned to Canada and headed up to Whistler to round out the tour with some skiing and snow-boarding.